Monday, December 27, 2010

fiVe days tO go...^^

saLam readers... :)

since a long time eh i didn't update my bLog..nOt becOz i don't knoe what to write abOut...but...dis is becOz of my Laziness...haihh~

nevermind...hehe! just 5 days to go befOre i enter the new semester of my studies at UiTM di hatiku.. wahaha~ emm...i will be in PART 3 within a week huh! tudiaa.... unbeLieveable...(rase mcm bru jer msOk UiTM 2...padahal nk msOk 2nd year dh pOwn..heee~)

and nOw....i'm just arrived at my hOme cweet hOme frOm TESCO 2 bought my needs before i go back to PERLIS...wuhuhuhu...i dunno how 2 express myself rite now...heee~ (perlukah aku sronok??perlukah aku sedey sbb cuti dh nk abes??huhuhu..tataw3~)

anyway,i HAVE to say gOOdbye 2 my KOREAN DRAMAS,my BELOVED BAEK SEUNG JO,my SWEETIE OH HA NI, my COOL SANO IZUMI n da CUTE ASHIYA MIZUKI...huhuhu~ not to blog n my FB... bia nae..(korea laa plak..haha)..sorry..maaf...hehe..i cannOt pay HUGE attention to all of u anymore heh..huhu..i have to LOVE my new CHENTA BOOKS...~ ;)

okey lah...dats it for dis time...till da next pOst...salam~ ^^

*gambar hiasan*

*juga gambar hiasan..:p*


  1. gdluck waheed comey.. blja molek22.. da2 lupe drama2 ni.. tumpu blja.. hehehehe~ <3 u

  2. jgn!tgk lagi2..tgk lagi!hehe

  3. hehe!~ tumpu laa sgt kan??blog pn lame x update...haha~ dh cuti lagi....weeeeee
